DriverMax is free tool which allows you to download, update and backup all your computer drivers with the latest release in just one click. This saves you from installing the drivers one by one and rebooting each time or even when you install a new OS. Once installed it will start indexing your drivers. Being available free for Windows XP and Windows Vista users it can solve a lot of time for general users.
Here are the complete set of features :
* Export and Import your windows xp or Vista drivers. You can also get a report on this. The major advantage of exporting is when you again re install your OS, you can just use this backup to install all your hardware drivers in one shot.
* It can check for driver updates, identify the unknown hardware and give you a detailed report again on this.
* It has a popular hardware section which according to your OS ( Windows XP or Vista ) can find Best Hardware, Popular Video cards and popular processors. This has nothing to do with driver updates but this is something which can give an insight which hardware are most commonly used and so on.
* It also suggests you to create an online account so you can maintain a profile online including your computer driver updates and so on.
This software rocks to find all the faulty driver installation on your computer. A perfect freeware which you should have.
Click to Download DriverMax
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